Celebrate Everyday | Gift Buying Ideas | Elmers Teacher Gift: Halloween Bucket of Goodies! #GlueNGlitter

Elmers Teacher Gift: Halloween Bucket of Goodies! #GlueNGlitter

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It is almost Halloween, that means parties and gifts.  So, I am making some cute little buckets for the Teachers.  I was going to fill them with candy, but decided that spa goodies might be more useful for the them!  They can take the spa stuff home and keep the bucket on their desk for whatever they might need.

To make this bucket was super easy!

Be sure to visit Intersect to see my entire shopping story:  A Day in Town with Mom!

Step one:  Gather your supplies.


Step Two:  Cut your paper

  • Trim your paper into 2 in strips by whatever length you need to cover your bucket.  Mine were about 7 inches long.
  • Also cut enough 1 1/4 inch circles to go around the outside of your bucket.  It took 10 for me.

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Step Three:  Decorate the bucket

Overlap the strips just a tad to create a 3D effect.  Decorate your circles with stickers or die cuts.  I took a strip of paper and put around the bucket to help on the strips on first.  Then, I put the circles over the strip using the foam mounting to make them pop.

Step Four:  Fill the bucket

I haven’t done this part yet, because I couldn’t decide what to do!  Now, I have decided to do Spa stuff, but I have to run back into town to get what I need.  Be sure to check my Facebook page soon to see the end result!

Step Five:  Label the bucket!

Once you have your bucket full, you need to place your label on a dowel and stick it down in the bucket so it sticks out the top like this one.

More Halloween Resources:

This project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Elmer’s #gluenglitter #collectivebias #cbias

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  1. I think that after all the Halloween excitement at school, the teacher is going to need a spa day! The bucket turned out super cute!

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