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Blogging Basics: How To Offer A Twitter Party as Part of Your Ad Options

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I offer MANY different options for companies to advertise on my blog from free reviews to much more elaborate events including Pinterest Parties and Twitter Parties.  I actually want to start doing MORE Twitter parties… you know, actively seeking companies to sponsor the parties  – and it got me wondering what other people do, what companies expect, etc.

So, I did some blogging basics research and here is what I have found out:

1.  You Must Have Confidence and Stats to Back Up that Confidence!  You may need to do a few basically free parties for companies to help build your media kit, then you have the statistics and/or client studies to back up your pitches!

2.  You Need To Sound Knowledgeable!  After doing a few Twitter Parties and honing not only your art, but your own special twist to them, you need to compile all the stats, case studies, recommendations, prices, etc into one easy to read document.

3.  Be Sure You Have the Stats Necessary!  I polled many Twitter Party hostesses, companies, and Brand representatives to get their thoughts on what they look for when selecting a Twitter Party host.  IN addition to a “great fit” they also seek the following:

Hostess should be a thought leader, have at least 3,000 followers, and tweet daily. I would hate to have a hostess who only did twitter parties and didn’t participate on twitter daily.  – @MarketingMaven2


The trick is to pick people you’re comfortable representing the brand, but who aren’t officially part of the company. If folks think that it’s simply your marketing department, you’ll lose credibility. – @GoodVibesToys


For the Twitter Book Parties I’ve hosted or been asked to host, it’s all about finding a “bigmouth” within the industry who has a large and diverse pool of Twitter followers.   – @FridayReads

If your stats aren’t large enough, spend some time working on that!  Partnering with larger companies at no cost to them  and asking them to promote it via their large channels, is a great way to increase your Twitter following!

I will be covering Twitter stuff over the next few blogging basics posts, so be sure to keep your eyes open!

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