5 Efficient Ways To Teach Your Child All About Charity
Teaching your child all about charity is essential – children have a sense of compassion and charity, all you have to do is to tackle it and teach the little one that being kind to others is very noble. Besides, one of the biggest advantages of teaching your kid about charity is that he will focus more on giving than receiving, and this will certainly boost his self-esteem in the long run. Here you will find 5 simple yet highly efficient ways to teach your child everything he needs to know about charity and its importance:
1. An Allowance Can Work Like Magic!
If you want to foster charity yet you do not know where to start from, then an allowance can be a great starting point. Reward your child for every good deed and teach him to save money for sharing with others, spending it on the things he wants and saving for future goals. However, it is essential to teach the little one not to spend all the money, but to donate some of it to charity – for instance, you can suggest him to buy some clothes for a poor child, or at least to donate some of his old toys. Slowly but surely, the little one will acknowledge the importance of sharing with others, and he will get a great sense of accomplishment after he brings a smile on somebody’s face.
2. Talk About The Joy Of Giving
Teach your child more about the joy of giving than the joy of receiving. The happiness of sharing things with other people is unique and it cannot be compared – besides, opportunities pop up all the time, all you have to do is to seize the moment. There are many occasions to sensitize your child, from helping a homeless man on the street to visiting an old relative. Regardless of the situation, the key is to teach the child about the importance of helping those in need without expecting anything in return.
3. The Power Of Example
There is nothing stronger than the power of example, this is why you must practice what you preach. If you teach your child to help those in need, start by showing him how it’s done – you can do so by donating money to a charitable organization and then explain your child why this is so important to you. As a parent, you must be the model of giving. It is essential to discuss about what you give, to whom you give and the reason why you do it!
4. Focus On Family Charity Ideas
As mentioned earlier, children learn best by example and this is why you should focus on several family charity ideas where the entire family is involved. Some very good family charity ideas include donating clothes, donating blood or helping the neighbors with various tasks.
5. Do Not Neglect Our Four-Legged Friends!
Last, but not least, you must teach the little one to help animals too, not only people. This way, the child will develop a sense of charity towards animals as well. For example, you can buy dog food and take the children to a dog shelter – allow the little one to spend some quality time with the recipient, and the feeling of accomplishment and joy will be overwhelming!
Article by Melissa Davis, Australian blogger and human right activist, mother of two. Here is the short list of few charity organizations that I support: – Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBSSA) is the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in the United States, – Mater prize Home all funds raised from the Mater Prize Home Lottery go directly to supporting patient care and research at Mater hospitals and the Mater Medical Research Institute, – Canines for Disabled Kids (CDK) this organization provides assistance dogs to children under age 12 who are autistic or have hearing or physical disabilities. – Childrens hunger fund they fight hunger using our unique in-home food delivery method to build trusting relationships with the needy.
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Great post. In order to have well balanced children it is important for them to realize not everyone has the same opportunities as they have.
Very nice post. Giving back is so important. Thank you!