Here are some interesting facts about South Dakota with activities to expand on each fact.

South Dakota’s wildlife and geology have a lot of opportunities for science, especially geology.

Fact One: South Dakota is home to Mt. Rushmore. Although not as populated as other states, South Dakota is on the map for one important historical monument: Mt. Rushmore!

Fact Two: The state bird is the ring-necked pheasant.

Ring-necked pheasants are large, chicken-like birds.

Fact Three: South Dakota’s known for its history with Native American tribes.

South Dakota has been home to several Native American tribes.

Fact Four: South Dakota’s state flower is the pasqueflower. Named after “Pesach,” the Hebrew word for Passover, the pasqueflower flowers in the spring.

Fact Five: South Dakota has lots of exciting wildlife, including buffalo! Buffalos are some of the largest animals in North America.

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