Top Ten Laundry Tips

Managing laundry can be one of the most frustrating parts of caring for a home. But there are ways to make taking care of it much, much easier! Here are my top ten laundry tips! These are handy, easy to implement, and virtually guaranteed to make your laundry “load” lighter!

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Use steam cleaning


Steam cleaning can drastically cut down your laundry time. Plus, it helps to break down stains, making it easier to remove them!  

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Get rid of stains immediately


Even better, try to treat clothing stains as soon as they happen. Keep a stain-fighter in your laundry room for quick access.

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Sort your laundry as you go through the week.


Set up two hampers: one for colors and one for whites. No sorting on wash day!

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Go easy on the water.


Be sure to adjust your water level to the amount of clothes you’re washing at the time.  When you’re ready to shop for a washing machine, choose one that can adapt water levels to the clothing load. 

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Do a load a day.


Try to do one load of laundry each day. Keeping on top of your family’s laundry during the week can save you from dealing with a mountain of laundry at a time.

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