Summer is fun but changing from the summer mindset to back to school can be a tough time for your child. Read on for our top 10 tips for transitioning Back To School!

Understanding how your child is feeling is the first step in helping them to learn life skills that will stay with them and enable them to face all of life’s inevitable transitions.

1. Ask How Your Child Is Feeling. Some parents make the mistake of either filling their child with their own fears, or telling them not to be scared about the first day.

2. Now reassure. Once the feelings are on the table and normalized, your child can more easily hear your words of encouragement and reassurance that everything’s going to be okay.

3. Help them view the change as an opportunity. The butterflies in their tummies can also playfully be viewed as “excitement” instead of just anxiety.

4. Program positive thinking. Have them close their eyes at bedtime and imagine how their experience will be fun and positive.

5. Re-establish routines. Providing a sense of security gives children a firm foundation for tackling the unknown.

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