With Graduations happening all over the country, you are probably working on planning some parties!

These mocktail recipes for teenagers are sure to be a hit with the kids.  Teen parties can be challenging with finding the right decor, food, and drinks!

These festive, yummy, and non-alcoholic treats are sure to make any gathering with teens a hit!

1. The perfect Halloween treat includes this spooky Halloween Mocktail Recipe – 3 Boys and A Dog

2. This Tropical Twisters Drink is a great girls night in either frozen or on the rocks! – A Helicopter Mom

3. If you love cranberry fruits this Cranberry Kiss Mocktail Recipe is great! – 3 Boys and A Dog.

4. Spring is officially still here and this Spring Citrus Mocktail is perfect for barbeques and other gatherings – A Mom’s Take

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