These interesting facts about Massachusetts for kids include the Salem Witch Trials, the first subway system, Benjamin Franklin, and basketball.

This is part of the 50 states unit study as we travel around America, learning about the history of each state.

Massachusetts is on the eastern coast of the United States and has the nickname, The Bay State.

5 Interesting Facts about Massachusetts

The mass hysteria of the Salem witch trials took place in 1692 and 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts. More than 200 people were accused and 25 people died as a result.

The first subway system was built in Boston, Massachusetts in 1897. It had four tracks and is now a National Historic Landmark.

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706. He was a scientist, newspaperman, freemason, author, and inventor.

Basketball was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1891 by James Naismith. This is also where the Basketball Hall of Fame is located.

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