Everyone loves the tooth fairy so it just makes sense that we all need some awesome Tooth Fairy Quotes in our lives!

When it comes to talking about the tooth fairy, kids seem to brighten up and think about the money that he or she is going to leave behind!

Tooth Fairy Quotes

1. Be good, the tooth fairy is coming. 2. The tooth fairy was here. 3. Believing in the tooth fairy is easy.

4. The tooth fairy is so small and friendly!  5. Always show your toothy grin.  6. Brush your teeth so they’re clean for the tooth fairy.

7. Take my tooth and I’ll keep the money.  8. The tooth fairy will always find your tooth.  9. Smile – say cheese!

10. The tooth fairy is so smart because of all her wisdom teeth. 11. She’s losing her first tooth!  12. I still believe in the tooth fairy.

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