Loopy Cutting Practice Sheets

These Loopy Cutting Practice Sheets are great for scissor skills! Use these preschool cutting worksheets for fine motor skills or to work on hand-eye coordination, too.

This is great for Look for Circles Day and is perfect for children who are learning and working on cutting shapes. Use this free printable to help with their circle cutting practice and cutting skills.

These printable cutting practice sheets are geared towards young children and will help them find lots of circles to cut!

Cutting circles is a lot of good scissor cutting practice! Once the kids start to look for circles, they’re going to find them everywhere!

This printable will really work on the scissor cutting skills of the kids. They’ll have to hold the scissors and go around in circles and do their best to stay on the line.

This printable includes pages of fun loops that are all about circle fun. Each page is a bit of a challenge but one that the kids will have a blast doing!

Circle day is a bizarre type of day but one that is a lot of fun. It can be a holiday where the kids can do whatever they want, as long as they focus on fun circles.

This means that they can hunt for circles, identify circles, draw circles, and only eat things in a circle shape if they want!

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