Book Lover Cutting Practice Sheets are a great way to encourage reading in your house. Use these as a fun theme worksheet for “Read a Book Day” happening on September 6th.

It’s a unique way to celebrate National Read a Book Day! This is a great cut file to download and have on hand for the kids.

These worksheets are also a great way to add confidence to your child to show them that they have what it takes to complete worksheets and items on their own.

Each page will have a start and an endpoint and a dotted line for them to cut along with, using their scissors.

What is included?

They’ll be going horizontal and vertical for their cutting exercises as that is a good way for them to grasp the concept.

When it comes to working on fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, this is a great option to have.

Not only will it have the kids completing their very own lesson and worksheets but it will improve their scissor skills as well.

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