The weather is getting nice and it is time to head outdoors. I can’t wait! It has been a long winter where I live. Getting outside and having fun sounds perfect.

Activities for Spring

Grab some balloons and a foam-tipped archery set and play some fun balloon archery games.

Make an awesome pool noodle obstacle course. This one gets kids moving! There are spots where they have to get on the ground and wiggle under the noodles or jump over them.

Get messy with a mud kitchen. Boys love mud and you can provide a way for them to play with it without having them dive right into a big mud puddle!

Make a balance beam to put out in the yard. Don’t worry, this one is actually at ground level. I guarantee your kids will spend a lot of time walking on it and jumping over it too!

Have you done an egg drop yet? This is really best done outdoors! I like the methods they tried in this post. Egg drops are always a winner.

This potion mixing idea looks awesome. They did it outside and I can see why. I love this open-ended activity and your kids will too.

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