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What Should I Include On My To Do List?

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Obviously, everyone’s to do list is going to be different.  I talked not too long ago about how to write a to do list.  This time, we are going to get a bit more technical and try to break it down.

During the writing of your To Do lists, you may find yourself thinking about what to include.  If that is the case, this post of What Should I Include On My To Do List? will help you determine the things.

Although lists are perfect for your daily schedule, it is not necessary to include all the simple activities that you must do. For example, do not include the task of the shower, unless it is the most important thing to do and is very likely to forget to do.

What should be on a to do list-

Include the most important tasks of the day, or tasks that you’re afraid you might forget. Unless, you really need things to mark off to give you a set of accomplishment.   I have a morning routine, that doesn’t go on my list.

For example, a client meeting or appointment of a physician  are time sensitive and should be on your To Do List.

You can also include tasks the other members of your staff or your family need to do that day. For example, if your son has a science project, you can record it on your list to help him remember to work on it. It is particularly important for parents and allows them to keep everything in one place. Coordinating the activities of your list of things to do will make life seem less hectic in general.

What Does My To Do List Look Like?

Now my to do list looks like this:

Morning Afternoon Evening
Dishes Dishes Dishes
15 mins on Facebook 15 mins on FaceBook Load of Laundry
15 mins on Twitter 15 mins on Twitter Supper
15 minutes of Email 15 minutes of Email
Load of Laundry Load of Laundry

I also have tasks that can be done at any time through the day:

  • Today’s Post
  • Prep for upcoming posts
  • Approve blog comments
  • 20 minutes visiting and commenting on other blogs
  • Check mail
  • 30 minutes quick clean

Making a list of things to do can really save you headaches in the week. Be sure to have your calendar when you make your lists, you can convey important information in both directions between the two.

Keep the list in a place where you will be reminded to use it, or organized in a daily planner. Eye it several times a day and mark the tasks as you complete them.

This will give you a feeling of satisfaction, while reminding you of the next task. If you have never used a to-do list, try these tips for at least two weeks. You will be shocked by how easy it is to use the skills of time management when you use a list of things to do.

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Monday 8th of January 2018

Thank you for your encouraging advice. I began using a planner recently and now wonder how I ever got anything done before. 3 cheers for your suggestion to keep the to-do list with the planner!! I use a giant paper clip to keep my list on the current page of mine. The planner is small enough to fit in my purse, but large enough that when open you can actually use the full month page that begins each month. I am using neon index cards for my to do list because they are sturdy enough to handle being slipped into the clip many times. I use one side of the card for to-do items and the other side for to-purchase items for that day (grocery, hardware store, pet store, etc)

Sandy Fowler

Wednesday 27th of January 2021

I like the note card /paper clip idea. I'm new here, so I'm going to start a to do list for this weekend. Thank you.