The organized life is a simplified life. It allows you to spend more time and energy doing what you love.

When you’re organized it actually provides freedom. Organization can give you more time, money, and peace of mind.

Cleaning out drawers and closets, getting rid of stuff, and reorganizing the things around my home to make my back to school life easier.

Take some time to determine how you like to organize things before you create a comprehensive system.

How Do You Organize?

Make a list of the areas of your life that you want/need to organize. Prioritize those areas so that the most important area is listed first.

Make a Commitment

Make a commitment now to start checking items off of that list. Create a date that you want to have an area organized and a plan to achieve it.

Commit to following through on your organization system. If you are unable to follow through, figure out why. Chances are it doesn’t fit your needs or personality.

Follow Through

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