Are you trying to save money this year? A lot of families are looking for ways to pinch pennies. But that doesn’t mean missing out on celebrating a special day in a special way! Even if you’re living on a budget right now, you can still make this Valentine’s Day special! Rather than splurging on …
Celebrate Valentine's Day
On Valentine’s Day, people all over the world share Valentine cards with each other – to say “I Love You”, “You’re Special”, or just “Thinking of You”. Thanks to the Internet, it’s easier than ever to find Valentine cards that capture what you’d like to say to someone! These free printable Valentine cards would make wonderful …
I just love the variety of children’s books these days. There are books on everything! There are books about moving, sharing, starting preschool, holidays, and even using the potty. One of our favorite activities is reading a book and then doing some kind of craft or game based on the book. When I …