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Storkbrokers: Meet My January 2012 Sponsor!

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I have actually introduced you to StorkBrokers before… last October they were my sponsor.  I really love this place and they are making changes to be even better!

Storkbrokers is a website where moms (and dads) can list and purchase gently used/loved items. These items can be sold and purchased at a significant discount, at times up to 80%. Parents on a budget or those who simply love a bargain, will find that Storkbrokers is certainly the place to buy items that they and their children need inexpensively. The company has recently launched its new homepage and it’s much improved! It is easier to navigate and much more informative.

Recent Changes

Shoppers at Storkbrokers now have the ability to browse the site by category and brand, which makes shopping for the items a person wants or needs, a breeze. The Rotational Touts section informs shoppers about Storkbroker’s special promotions. It is also where news announcements or posted. The amount of money a person stand to save is now listed front and center on each item. Shoppers now have quick and easy access to commonly used features. Below, I’ll go into a little more detail about each of the aforementioned changes.

Shop by Brand and/or Category

One of the coolest things about Storkbrokers updated homepage is the ability to browse and shop by category and/or brand. The following categories are listed, Girls, Boys, Girls Shoes, Boy’s Shoes, Women’s Clothing, Maternity, Books, Cribs, Beds, Chairs and Diapering. As mentioned above, the site also allows individuals to shop via brand. The following brands are listed, Handmade, Carters, Old Navy, Fisher Price, Graco, Disney, Faded Glory, Circo and Osh Kosh B’Gosh.

Promotions and Announcements

The Rotational Touts section is perhaps the first thing that a person will notice when they visit the website. It includes pictures, major announcements and promotional information. In the left side bar is a section titled, New From SB. Smaller and more frequent announcements are listed here.

Listed Discounts

Before, when people shopped at Storkbrokers, they knew that they were saving money but perhaps not how much. Well, now they know exactly how much money they are saving. The discounted amount is prominently listed on the item, right above the picture. It is presented as a percentage, for instance, “80% off.”

Improved Navigation

Storkbrokers has also made it easier to navigate to the most often used features and pages. There are now direct links to whatever offers a shopper has made, each individual’s stores, and a person’s wish items.

Storkbrokers has made some major updates to their site. The suggestions and wishes of their members and customers fueled a lot of those changes. Now a good experience using Storkbrokers, has the potential to be a great one. Enjoy the new changes!

For more information:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/StorkBrokersFanPage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/storkbrokers

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  1. The new homepage is so much easier. Love it! I enjoy getting into the forums and see what everyone is talking about too! For me, the community aspect of this site is what really sets it apart from others.

    Alissa- Have you looked into any local women’s shelters?? These mothers and kids usually have to leave in the middle of the night with not much more than what’s on their back, so they may be in need of clothes and toys. Call them & check out their policies on donated clothes & toys.

  2. This is a great idea! I love places that resell. I’m looking for a place to donate. I heard the Good Will throws all toys away because of the lead scare.

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