Search Results for: squash

Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Dinner

Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is one particular holiday where there is always plenty of food on the table. However, hosts may find themselves stumped when preparing a “gluten-free” Thanksgiving dinner. What should be avoided? How can families create a meal that everyone will be able to enjoy? Dr. Kristen Bobik, founder of Balance Chiropractic and Wellness Practitioners, has…

P is for Pumpkins {Preschool Alphabet}

P is for Pumpkins {Preschool Alphabet}

Man, do I ever love the fall.  The weather today was perfect!  Sunny skies, nice breeze.  Just a tiny bit of crispness in the air.  Perfect for spending the day outside: running around, playing on the slide, and painting pumpkins!  One of the farmer’s markets in downtown Erie always sells these tiny pumpkins (I think…

A woman and two girls, experiencing the joy of culinary creativity, are preparing dough in a kitchen. The countertop features a pumpkin amidst cooking utensils. Such jobs for kids in the kitchen make for treasured family moments, with a dining table beautifully set in the cozy foreground.

12 Jobs for Kids in the Kitchen

Ask stay-at-home caregivers what the toughest time of day is, and you’ll hear a universal response: dinnertime. This is when moods turn sour, and tummies start growling. plan ahead to integrate Jobs for Kids in the Kitchen into mealtime preparation. The parent in charge of dinner must not only prepare food but also keep the…

RECIPE: Pasta Primavera with a Basic White Sauce

RECIPE: Pasta Primavera with a Basic White Sauce

Recipe Courtesy of BJ’s Wholesale Club BJ’s is currently offering a Free 60-Day Trial Membership which can be activated between now and July 5.  The risk-free, trial membership includes full member benefits including savings and no surcharge.  A basic 12-month membership is $45.   Here is the link where you can find and print the pass…