Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Getting Organized | Ok, I already love my Notebinder from Mead!

Ok, I already love my Notebinder from Mead!

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My days have gotten so busy that I have not had time to blog! I noticed that I have only managed to send in my Menu Plan and nothing else. Today, I had some down-time so I started looking at blogs… I came across List Mama’s Blog through Org Junkie’s and let me tell you, I have done nothing all day but read List Mama’s blog (well, and stop to run to Staples).


List Mama gave one of her famous lists about why she loved the Mead Notebinder and everything in her list appealed to me, so I ran out and bought one. 🙂 I have only had it for about an hour and already LOVE it. It seems perfect with ListPlanIt’s lists. I have the page protector dividers in the front labeled as: Current Checklists, Future Checklists and that is all, LOL! I have not gotten very far with it, but I have gone to potty and out to enjoy my nasty habit on the porch. It lies flat!! I think that was the main thing I was excited about. Plus, it is a bit sturdier than a regular notebook so I was able to write easily while sitting places other than a table.
I have spent so much money or binders, day planners, and have never found one that I liked. I think I have finally found my security binder!! Plus, I got it in a pretty purple color… GEAUX TIGERS (my oldest boy picked the color or me).
Did I mention that it is pretty small as far as binders go but still large? Does that make sense? They made this thing so it is not in the least bit bulky, yet plenty big enough to hold quite a bit of stuff.

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  1. I’m going to hav eto find time to come back and really read this and your links….I was thinking this a.m. about what I want to do with my “notebook” now that we are moving….I think it’s bulkier than I need. LOL

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