Celebrate Everyday | Gift Buying Ideas | My Featured Holiday Gift Pick #1- Smart Herb Garden

My Featured Holiday Gift Pick #1- Smart Herb Garden

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Christmas is right around the corner and here is my first featured holiday gift pick- The Smart Herb Garden Starter Kit by Click and Grow.


The Smart Herb Garden is the most elegant and easiest indoor gardening solution available. Just plug it in, add water, and it takes care of the rest. Click and Grow uses innovative NASA-inspired technology that help the herbs naturally grow faster – with no GMOs, pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, plant hormones, or any other suspicious substances. Each Smart Herb Garden comes with 3 refill cartridges, but they offer other refills as well. When you’re ready for new plants, simply replace your old cartridges with new ones.

Growing your own herbs could not be easier with this kit: Just insert the cartridges, fill the water tank, and plug it in. The soil releases the right amount of water, oxygen, and nutrients and the sensors in the Smart Herb Garden measure the vitals of your plants and make sure the environment is perfect.

Click here to buy a Smart Herb Garden for someone for $59.95.

What will your gift recipient grow?

*DISCLAIMER: Any opinions stated are strictly my own. I was sent the above item by Click and Grow to help facilitate my review.  All photos used in this post are courtesy of Click and Grow.*

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