Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Work From Home | Blogging Tips, How Tos & Great Ideas

Blogging Tips, How Tos & Great Ideas

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One of my most popular boards on Pinterest is Blogging Tips, How Tos & Great Ideas! That is my go-to spot to put my post from my blogging basics and learn to blog series as well as other blogging tips from other bloggers. Do you have any favorite blogging tips? If so feel free to add the to the linky below.  Check out my pins to find something new and link up your ideas below! Oh and the Pinterest party is for you to link up anything you want!

blogging tips


I have teamed up with SusieQTPies Cafe and Crystal and Company to bring you this weekly linky. Link up your favorite blog ideas, homemaking on the cheap ideas, traveling tips, crafts, favorite Pinterest Board,  parenting post, Spring ideas, your favorite pins, top weekly clicked link, top pin and/or top Pinterest Boards.  ANYTHING GOES!

Since this post is all about pinning, be sure to pin this post and a few of the posted linkies.  Choose your favorite and click to your heart’s content. Pin your Pinterest ID so that I can follow you back!

So, what can you put in the linky? You can put any or all of the following items:

  • 1.  Your top Pinterest Board Link
  • 2.  A few of your favorite pins, blog projects,etc
  • 3. Your Pinterest ID

follow on pinterest button Homemaking on the Cheap Ideas and Pinterest Party

Screen Shot 2013 05 10 at 12.43.39 PM Homemaking on the Cheap Ideas and Pinterest Party

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  1. Thanks for sharing this article regarding pinterest ..these tips are useful and interesting to know
    ‘Thanks again !!

  2. I’d love to start a blog, but I’m techno challenged 😛 The first steps on how to build a page and the technical side of it have my head spinning.

  3. Great blogging tips… But – groan! – I have been resisting Pinterest for so long… and now I think I have to learn how it all works!!

  4. I love that you put this free blogging advice up here. I am going to take that class from Blogging class that is posted on Libby’s site.

  5. I am not a blogger right now but I have been considering becoming one and reading this very informational posts is extremely hepful.

  6. thanx for these advice, this is gone help me in my upcoming blog i was just think about to start a new blog rather than tech niche blog and after this i got my niche to start new one.

  7. Great party…thanks for having it. I love your blog tips, I’ve learned so much from your posts!


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