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Blogging Basics: How to Revive Old Blog Posts

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If, like me, you have been blogging since before Pinterest, then you have some posts that need some help!  I have been blogging for 7 years this month – seven years!  I also did a big site combine that gave me well over 6 thousand posts on this one blog.  Theoretically, someone could spend hours on my site and never run out of things to look at.  Unfortunately, people don’t really do that. LOL!  Regardless, I started something this past week to revive old blog posts and it is working!How to Revive Old Blog Posts

Before I get into the step-by-step of how to find and fix the old posts, I want to show the proof.  I want to show the proof because this is going to confuse the stew out of you.  You are going to have to flip back and forth from my site to your analytics for each step.  Trust me!  I told my tribe mates what I was doing and all but one said, “I have no clue what you are talking about”

Before fixing this post:


Notice the timeline on that image?  3 months – yes, THREE MONTHS of analytics and I only netted one visit.  Not one a month, just one total!  SO, I went to it and noticed that I had major issues.  I fixed them and look:


Notice the timeline – 3 days.  Not even 3 full days because…

  1. I actually edited the post on the evening of the 14th
  2. I am writing this how to post on the evening of the 15th

So, in reality it has been basically 24 hours since I edited it!  In 24 hours, I have gotten 77 views MORE than I had over 3 months.  Imagine if I could get 77 views in 24 hours on all 6,500+ posts on my site. LOL!


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How to Find and Revive Old Blog Posts:

Step One:  In another tab (or even better, another window so you can do this screen and that one side by side) open your Google Analytics.  On the left hand side of your screen you will need to click behavior.  That will expand the Behavior menu.  Next, click on Site Content.  That will bring down a new menu and from there you are going to click on All Pages.

Where to go

Step Two:  In the top right-hand corner, be sure to set your dates for the past three months.

Set Calendar

Step Three:  Choose “advanced options” and start setting up rules for the following:

Step Three

  • Exclude: outgoing
  • Exclude: ?
  • Exclude: giveaway
  • Include views less than 5
  • Exclude:  tag

Step Four:  Export the results into excel and expand the columns so you can see the url.


Step Five:  Now, each day edit a post or two and share it across your social media accounts and linkies.  That is it!  Here are a few ideas on what you should do with the post to improve it and increase your traffic:

  1. Make sure you have at least one good, pinnable picture
  2. Make sure the post is 300 words
  3. Make sure you have some links to it from other posts and from it to other posts!
  4. Make sure the META Title and Description are filled out
  5. Make sure to have alt tags in your image(s)

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  1. Thanks for this great tutorial. I definitely have some blog posts that need to be revived. #ThrowbackThursdayLP

  2. I am curious. I was with blogger for the first year when I had a lot of comments. Now I am on wordpress.org and have All in one SEO, my old blogger posts dont have this on it to add description, what do you suggest?

  3. this is incredible advice. I am not quite at two years of blogging, but I have plenty of old posts to dig through

  4. I’m too stupid to figure out how to add an additional criterion to the filtering. If I click on the add metric button, the drop-down it gives me looks NOTHING like that first row. How do I add the second filter?

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