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Blogging Basics: How to Choose a Facebook Timeline Cover Photo

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Years ago, people made a first impression when they shook hands when they met. Today, times have changed, but first impressions still exist. In today’s online world, people decide what they think of you or your business the first time they visit your site or Facebook page.

The very first thing that people see when they get to your Facebook page is your timeline cover photo. Whether your page is for your business or whether it’s a personal page, your cover photo makes a statement. It’s important to make the best statement possible by choosing a cover photo that represents you or your company.

Facebook Blogger Tip

Cover Photo Rules

When Facebook first initiated the timeline format, some rules for using cover photos were created. The rules stated that while text could be added to a cover photo, it could not take up more than 20% of its size. This rule has since been relaxed a bit, so the 20% rule doesn’t apply.

Instead, the rule reads that the text simply can’t be misleading or deceptive, and it can’t be copied from others. This is good news, especially for businesses. Adding text to the cover lets you improve the immediate impression of your site by including current information that is important to your potential customers.

Creating an Appealing Cover

It’s essential to create a Facebook cover that is appealing and interesting. A basic cover won’t create the image you’re looking for. While you can use your own photo, bear in mind that it needs to be a particular size (851 x 315 pixels). If you don’t resize properly, the photo will end up being distorted and won’t look professional. One way to get the professional looking photos you desire is by purchasing premium timeline cover photos online.

You’ll find a large selection (thousands) in a variety of categories so there is sure to be something that you like. Keep in mind that you can change the photo as often as you like. This is actually helpful for businesses because when you change the photo, your fans will get an update. Also, updates to your page can help boost search engine rankings.

Call to Action

One of the best reasons to utilize a timeline cover photo is to make a call to action. It’s easy to add text to the cover so you can make announcements and let potential customers know about sales or special events. You can even add buttons and link text to your website or to other social media sites. This lets you generate more sales and improve traffic amongst all your online sites. Keep in mind that your logo doesn’t count as text, so feel free to utilize it as part of your cover. The page still allows you to have a personal photo, so you can use your logo as the smaller photo and choose another photo for your cover.


Branding is an important part of every business. One of the main reasons that you are utilizing a Facebook page is as a promotional tool. In fact, this is one type of marketing that is both easy and inexpensive, making it the perfect choice for small businesses with a limited budget. When you set up your page, specifically your cover photo, you need to stay consistent in the message you’re trying to send.

The cover photo should be tied directly to your business. For example, if your business sells cookies, don’t use a cover photo with cars. In other words, the cover should directly tie into your business. You can change the photo frequently, so be sure to keep plenty of photos on hand so you can easily make the modifications.

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