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Blogging Basics: 10 Ways to Enhance Instagram

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Even though, plain Instagram is fun and cool enough to use, the reason why it is so popular, you can easily enhance your Instagram experience by using additional tools, services and add on apps especially designed for Instagram users. Most of the services and tools are designed to make Instagram more functional for users. With easy integration, add on apps can provide enhanced functions designed for users, businesses or even professionals. 10 best ways to enhance your Instagram experience are as follows…

enhance your instagram

10 Ways to Enhance Instagram

  1. Statigram: It is an effective tool that helps user in quickly monitoring all the activities happening related to the account. Some of the other things you can do effectively using Statigram are viewing Instagram photos and feed, host contests, check metrics related to your account and responding to followers comments. Using this app, you can also track all the activities of your followers.

  2. Blurb: It is a website that allows Instagram users to integrate their accounts and create an image book based on all your favorite photos. The website is easy to use that allows you to create photo book quickly and edit picture without any hassle.

  3. Nitrogram: An excellent tool for those who are using Instagram for promotion of their businesses. Using this tool, you can control and view all the information related to your business. The tool allows you to monitor all the discussions based around hashtags related to your business. You can gauge the frequency of updates about your company and number of people discussing your business or products. It is a tool that helps you engage with the audience instead of helping you in increasing the number of followers. Many companies use this tool to gauge the customer satisfaction and reach of their brands.

  4. More than One Picture: Uploading one picture is good, but you can also use multiple apps that can help you combine more than one picture. This way, you can upload more than one picture through only one upload that is often time saving.

  5. Fourist: This is another website that integrates well with the Instagram account and helps users in creating albums based on location.

  6. Timehop: This online service helps Instagram users to easily check what they were doing in past at certain time on Instagram. It is a fun way to find what you were doing a year ago, or couple of years ago on Instagram or what you posted on your last birthday.

  7. InstaChimp: This is another website that helps Instagram users in sharing their images quickly using multiple channels. The service is designed specifically for users who are also using MailChimp. To access InstaChimp, users can use the same login as for MailChimp so there is no need to create a new separate account.

  8. Flipagram: Another website that allows Instagram users to create video based on the photo albums or photo feed. You can create a selection of photos, edit them sort them, use background music and create a video to add a unique touch to your account. You can also share your video using this website.

  9. Padgram: This app allows iPhone or iPad users to have an enhanced experience of Instagram on their smart devices.

  10. Gramfeed: It is an interesting app that makes browsing on Instagram more fun and convenient. This app allows users to hashtag their images and browse pictures through hashtag. It makes browsing photos simpler.

This is it! Above mentioned apps, services and tools can help you in better Instagram experience. You can enhance your experience and functionality of Instagram easily with the ways defined above.

Daniel Kravz is a representative of Hotelscan.com. Hotelscan.com helps to find the best hotels in Berlin.

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  1. I love Instagram and I too had no idea it had all those things. Now if only i can figure out how to tag people on Facebook.

  2. Hi Kelli! I’m here via Blogelina. These are great tips! I love Instagram and can get lost on it for ages. Not great for blogging productivity! haha You mentioned some apps that I’m not familiar with and will definitely be checking out. Thanks!

  3. Before getting started, you’ll need to choose a name for the blog you want to make.
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  4. I love instagram and enjoy seeing what others share. I hadn’t heard of several of the other apps you mentioned. I can’t wait to check those out. Thank you for sharing them!

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