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Mom’s Household Manual Day #1

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I said that I wanted to put my cleaning schedule and set up on my blog, so this is day one. Check back each day for all of the tasks. If you are reading this, I assume you are floundering in your home and don’t have a CLUE what to do. For some of us, the first few days are going to be those “well DUH!” days. Please, for YOUR sake, stick with it.

Let us start our day with 7-UP.

Household Manual Day One

Click the image above to download your Morning Routine printable!


  • Wake UP
  • Brush UP
  • Make UP
  • Dress UP
  • Pick UP
  • Eat UP
  • Clean UP

Mom’s Manual Morning Routine:

1. Wake UP – Do you work? Do your kids go to school? My kids get on the bus at 7 am and on my work days I leave at 7:30 am. You need to know how long it takes to do your first five… it takes me about 15 minutes, so I only need to get up 15 minutes before my kids. What time do you need to get up? When you decide go ahead and set your alarm NOW… get up at that time every day for the next 21 days… even the weekends! Once you get your body set to this schedule then you can cheat on weekends if you want. 😀

2. Brush UP – I get out of my bed and go to the bathroom. In there I: use the potty, wash my hands & face, & brush my teeth.

3. Make UP – Then, if I am working or running errands I do the entire make-up routine. If I am staying home I do light makeup: gloss, mascara, powder, and a little blusher if needed. Do not walk out of this room until your hair and make up is done. My work hair is different than my home hair but both are presentable. I usually stick with a pony-tail or ballerina bun when staying home. I get hot and sweaty when cleaning house and my hair is REALLY thick, so it is best if it is up.

4. Dress UP – Now, you should get dressed. Again, what I wear depends on what I am doing for the day. Work gets dressier clothes than home… my standard uniform at home is blue jeans, T-shirt, and my running shoes. I learned a long time ago (when I couldn’t rush my child to the hospital because I had to put decent clothes on first – 12 year old boxer shorts that were 3 sizes too small when I bought them 30 pounds ago and my husband’s old football jersey with no bra just wasn’t gonna cut it) that I should be able to go out in public in whatever I have on at my house. I don’t wear my husband’s ratty t-shirts… I wear cutesy t-shirts that fit ME!

5. Pick UP – Now, make your bed and gather the items that don’t belong. The wash cloth you used to wash your face, the pjs you wore last night, the glass you got last night… etc. Take them to their homes NOW! This way, you can walk out of your room and be done with it for the day (unless it is your zone LOL– but more on that later)

6. Eat UP – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Feed your kids and feed yourself. I don’t care if you only eat 1 tiny piece of toast… you must eat something!

7. Clean UP – Wash the few dishes you used for breakfast, quick wipe the stove and counters. Ta Da! You have had your 7-UP today. 🙂

Guess what… this is the start of your manual! These first 7 things are dailies… write them down, print them out, add them to an excel spreadsheet, put each one on an index card, put each one in your outlook tasks, or whatever you want to use.

After 21 days, the 7-UP will be habit for you, your Mom’s Manual will be complete, your home will look better, and you will no longer be a Mom’s Manual Beginner!! Isn’t that exciting? Now, give us a quick intro on yourself (in the comments) and get comfy… Day TWO is coming!

I have this in a Fashion Binder because even though I have been doing it for years, I like the process of marking things off.  I actually have a printable with all my to dos in it, but for habit forming sake, I made a printable for you just of the morning routine.  Simply click the image above to download it. 🙂

More Mom’s Manual Resources:

  1. Mom’s Household Manual Cover
  2. Day One
  3. Day Two
  4. Day Three
  5. Day Four
  6. Day Five
  7. Day Six
  8. Day Seven

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